Franklin Lee Bowden
December 01, 2024

Franklin Lee Bowden was born in Houston, Texas, Aug. 23, 1937 to Henrietta Mueller Bowden and Enoch R. Bowden.
He graduated from Lutheran High School in Houston and attended Concordia Lutheran College in Austin, TX to become a Lutheran minister.
Frank was drafted in 1960 as a PFC E3 Second Infantry Division and discharged in 1962; he remained in the ASAR Reserves until 1966 in Houston. Although he was color-blind, he could see camouflage and was selected as a point-man sniper with President Kennedy’s Special Forces (1961). After leaving Korea, he worked with his brother, Daniel Bowden, in his fishing/marina business in New Bedford, Mass.
In 1964 Frank joined the Traveler’s Life Insurance Company in Houston and he remained in the insurance business until 2007 with various companies before owning his own firm affiliated with the Tosh Insurance Agency in Rusk. Frank earned his Chartered Life Underwriter and Chartered Financial Counselor designations when he graduated from Bryn Mawr College, online, in (1982) with a Business Degree.
With his brother John, who was the first commander of the post, he was instrumental in keeping the VFW Post #3406 active in Rusk and served as the second commander of the post for several years. He was given the nickname “Mr. Veteran” for his tireless work with the post and its members.
The Bowden family moved to east Texas in the Sardis community near Rusk in 1978 on land that was part of Cherokee Chief Bowles’ Reservation and Frank remained there until his passing.
Frank had many hobbies: championship bowling tournaments in Houston, horseshoe competition/championships in Cherokee County, duck & goose hunting in Katy, TX and deep sea fishing in Galveston Bay.
A man of many talents Frank Bowden was also the author of 7 historical, western, fictional novels. In retirement he was the co-owner/self-publisher of Global Company: Spirit, Soul and Shadow, Rusk, Texas.
In later years, Frank served on the Board of Lutheran High School, Houston, TX., to open the admittance of Non-Lutheran students into the school to help the growth of their admissions/financial contributions creating a need/building of a second High School near Clear Lake, TX. He also served on the Board of Directors for the Lutheran Hospital at M.D. Anderson Hospital (1980's), Houston, TX.
When he was questioned about 59 1/2 years of marriage his answer was word, "TRUST."
Frank Bowden leaves behind his wife, Lurlene J. Bowden; daughters: Laura and Kevin Powell and Valri and Jeff Gilbreath; granddaughters: Aleigha Hamm, Aliana Waller and Hannah Dement; also by great grandson Case L. Dement.
Military Memorial Service for Frank Bowden will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 14 in the building that was the VFW Post 3406, 1001 E. 4th Street, Rusk, Texas. The building has recently been reactivated and today is Coleman-Isgate American Legion Post #292, still serving veterans of the area. Members of the VFW Post # 3984 in Jacksonville will participate in the service and Rev. John Hawkins will officiate.
A time of refreshments and visitation with the family will follow the service.
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