Local coalition gets a Hand Up

by Lauren LaFleur Contributing writer

JACKSONVILLE – David Peters of Sheltering Arms Coalition does not take God’s blessings lightly. And now, with the help of Hand Up Network in Tyler, Peters said he will continue to share those blessings with others.

“Truly, I feel blessed,” Peters said, “and I know God is in control and providing, no matter what the situation is.”

Peters said the coalition’s mobile diner – a bus modified to serve hot meals to those in need – was hit by a car in December. Following the wreck, Peters got in touch with Hand Up.

“Dave and his group have been blessing others, and now we’ve been able to bless him in his efforts,” said Hand Up Network CEO Sam Smith. “We’re honored to be part of it. Hand Up Network concentrates on not providing a hand out, but a hand up, and that is what Dave is doing. When he had this accident, we didn’t want to see those services end.”

Peters has been providing meals in Jacksonville and Rusk since last year, with meals provided by restaurants, churches and even individuals who have cooked for them.

Since partnering with Sheltering Arms, Smith said Hand Up has provided some food and drink items to Sheltering Arms, along with the trailer and a few volunteers, but that Peters always has the hot meals ready.

Approximately 100-140 meals are served every Sunday behind Brookshire Brothers in Jacksonville, but their stops at Walmart and in Rusk will resume soon as they have a new vehicle, Peters said.

“We will be replacing the bus,” he said, “and though I can’t tell you right now with what, it will not be just an ordinary food truck or trailer. We want the people we serve to feel special and welcomed when they come to get a meal.”

Plans for the coalition’s tiny home community are still on track, despite the loss of the bus, and the organization has purchased a building on Main Street in Jacksonville.

Those wishing to support Sheltering Arms may contact Peters via Facebook, or visit the website at shelteringarmscoalition.com. Anyone wishing to donate Sunday meals or to help in other ways can call Peters at 903-571-1790.

Information about how to donate to or volunteer with Hand Up can be found on their website, handupnetwork.com or at facebook.com/handupnet.